

    In-Service Inspection of High Pressure Manifolds

    • 摘要: 定期对高压管汇件进行在役检测对保证其安全使用具有重要意义。针对高压管汇件的常见缺陷, 阐述了高压管汇件的外观检验、磁记忆应力集中检测、超声波检测、磁粉检测以及静水压试验等方法的检测内容、注意事项及方法。对近年来的检测结果进行了统计分析, 总结出高压管汇件的常见不合格检测项目。


      Abstract: It is significant to conduct inspection on the high pressure manifolds periodically. Based on the analyses of common defects of high pressure manifolds, the inspection contents, key points and method of visual inspection, magnetic memory method, ultrasonic inspection, magnetic particle inspection and hydrostatic pressure testing were presented. And reject items of the high pressure manifolds were concluded according to the inspection results of our company recently according to the inspection result in recent years.


