The Simulation of Using Phased Array Technology to Inspect Complex Structure Weld
摘要: 超声相控阵技术由于其技术优越性以及成像功能, 已广泛应用于复杂结构焊接件的检测中。但相控阵技术不能完全判断信号来源和信号真实位置, 因此需要借助CIVA数值仿真技术, 对相控阵检测结果进行有效分析, 并对实际检测过程的工艺设计和缺陷评判起指导作用。Abstract: Because of the advanced technology and imaging function, phased array UT technology has widely used for inspecting complex structure weld. But phased array technology cant estimate the origin of the signal and the position, so CIVA simulation tools can be used to analyze the result from phased array UT inspection, and this module can be used to prove the inspection procedure and defect analysis.