
    8 mm铜杆穿过式涡流探头校准方法

    Calibration Method of Through Type Eddy Current Probe for  8 mm Copper Pole Testing

    • 摘要: 涡流检测探头的校准对保证涡流在线检测精度有重要意义。研究了 8 mm铜杆穿过式涡流在线检测探头的校准方法。根据铜杆的集肤深度, 设计了人工标准缺陷, 利用带有人工标准缺陷的铜杆作为对比试样进行校准。在要求的校准速度下, 比对探头对人工标准缺陷实际检测增益, 实现探头的精度校准。


      Abstract: Through-type eddy current probe calibration is indispensable to ensure the accuracy of on-line detection. In this paper, an eddy current probe calibration approach is studied of using contrast samples with standard artificial defects in it. According to standard depth of penetration of copper rods, the criteria of artificial defects are determined. In accordance with the speed of copper rods, through comparison of the corresponding standards for defect detection signals, the accurate calibration of probe is implemented. Experiments show the effectiveness of the method.


