

    AE Source Characteristic of Atmosphere Storage Tank Bottom Leakage Inspection

    • 摘要: 从实际工程检测案例出发,利用两个泄漏储罐在不同液位下的声发射检测结果与开罐验证结果的对比,探讨了常压储罐泄漏具有间断性的原因以及如何根据声发射检测信号特征正确定位泄漏源的方法。结果表明,底板与基础之间的空隙随液位的变化是造成泄漏信号间断性的直接原因;通过对比不同液位高度的在线检测结果,结合区域定位和“族源”的时差定位可精确识别泄漏源位置,从而充分证实了声发射检测技术在常压储罐底板泄漏检测中应用的有效性。


      Abstract: Based on the comparison of AE inspection result and open tank inspection result in engineering practice, the reason of discontinuity leakage of the atmosphere storage tank was discussed in this paper. Meanwhile, the effective way using AE technology for leakage position identification was investigated .It was found that the leakage rate increased as the liquid level rising in the low level stage, however, in the high level stage, the leakage rate reduced as the gap between the tank bottom plate and the foundation became smaller, so the leakage was discontinuous. The leakage position could be accurately identified through comparison of AE inspection results at different liquid level with application-region location and time-difference location of clusters. The results proved that AE technology was an effective way for atmosphere storage tank bottom plate leakage inspection.


