Radiographic Testing of Middle Welded Joint of Thick Walled Pipeline During Thermal Power Installment
摘要: 火电厂厚壁管道的焊接质量关系到机组安全运行。介绍了焊缝中间射线检验时胶片紧贴焊缝和胶片紧贴管壁两种透照方式的工艺特点。分析了不同布片方式对射线照相质量的影响。通过对比试验, 验证了不同透照方式对缺陷检出的影响效果。Abstract: The welding quality of thick-walled pipeline of thermoelectric power station is related with the unit safe operation. The author introduced the technology characteristic of two kind of radiographic testing of middle welded joint, and so on with the film being located directly close to the weld or close to the tube wall respectively, and analyzed their effect on the testing quality. Through the contrast experiment, the paper showed the flaw detecting ability of the two methods.