

    Influences of Ultrasonic Probe Nominal and True Frequency Error on Ultrasonic Testing Results of Forgings

    • 摘要: 计算法是锻件超声波探伤中常用的调整探伤灵敏度和评定缺陷当量大小的方法。如果探头的实际回波频率与标称频率存在误差, 将会对探伤灵敏度的调整和缺陷定量的准确性造成影响。为了消除这种影响, 需要准确测量探头实际回波频率或使用其它方法调整探伤灵敏度。


      Abstract: Calculation method is usually used to determine the sensitivity of detection and equivalent size of defect on ultrasonic testing of forgings. If the error of nominal and true frequency of ultrasonic probe actually exists, that will affect adjustment of testing sensitivity and the accuracy of quantitative analysis. In order to eliminate these influences, the true frequency of ultrasonic probe must be measured or other methods to adjust the detection sensitivity must be used.


