

    An Interface Extraction Algorithm for Foamed Dreg Image

    • 摘要: 提出一种基于数字图像处理技术的溶渣泡沫高度检测方法。该方法由CCD摄像头将采集到的溶渣泡沫影像经图像采集卡转换成数字图像,然后由计算机经图像处理后得到溶渣泡沫的轮廓线,并由轮廓线背景的刻度线直接得出溶渣泡沫各处的实际高度。实验结果表明,该检测原理可行,对实现溶渣泡沫高度的在线检测具有指导意义。


      Abstract: A digital image processing technique based on measuring method of foamed dreg edge was described. The video signals of foamed dreg obtained by CCD camera were converted into digital image signal by an image acquisition card. The contour line of foamed dreg was obtained by image processing of computer, the actual height of foamed dreg was observed by the graduation line of contour line background. The experiment evinced that the method was feasible on principle and have directive meaning for realization of on-line measurement of foam height on site.


