

    The Hazards and Protection of Penetration Testing in Limited Space

    • 摘要: 渗透检测的危害和防护常被忽视, 为了减少渗透检测对人员的危害, 介绍了在渗透检测过程中容易被人忽略的检测安全问题。分析了在有限空间内使用ⅡC-d进行渗透检测时经常存在的错误习惯, 包括忽视爆炸的危险、忽视通风、气体检测和劳动保护。分析了这些危害产生原因, 指出渗透检测剂被吸入、与皮肤和眼睛接触后, 对呼吸系统、眼、皮肤和中枢神经的伤害。提出有限空间内防护渗透检测危害的方法, 包括加强教育和管理、加强通风、气体检测和劳动保护、改进检测方法和渗透检测剂施加方法等, 对渗透检测安全具有实际指导价值。


      Abstract: The hazards and protection of penetrant testing in limited space are often ignored. In order to reduce the hazards, security issues of penetrant testing are introduced. The reasons of hazard in the limited space penetrant testing was put forward, and wrong habits in site were pointed out. After inhaled or contracted with the penetrant testing agent by the eye or the skin, the human’s respiratory system, eyes, skin and central nervous system were hurt seriously. To minmize the hazard, the methods of better management, ventilation, and gas detection, labor protection were put forward.


