

    Attenuation Characteristic Study on the Acoustic Emission Wave in Different Composite Materials

    • 摘要: 分析了声发射波在不同复合材料容器表面的衰减特性。通过在复合材料容器表面进行衰减测试, 探讨了材料组织方向、容器内的介质、容器受载历史等因素对声发射信号幅值衰减特性的影响。结果表明, 以上因素影响了声发射波的衰减特性, 结论为声发射检测的后续研究提供数据支持。


      Abstract: Attenuation characteristics of the acoustic emission wave in different composite containers are studied in this paper. Though measuring the attenuation on different composite containers, the effects of material structure direction, container medium, container loading history and other factors on the characteristic of amplitude attenuation are discussed. The results show that factors such as material direction and container loading history have influence on the attenuation characteristic of acoustic emission wave. These will provide data support for the following study of acoustic emission test.


