

    Application of Infrared Thermography to the Online Monitoring of Machining Process

    • 摘要: 红外热成像技术可以测量被测目标的温度场分布,并以图像的形式表示出来。采用红外热成像方法对炸药代用药的机加切削过程的温度进行监测,得到了不同切削速率、切削进深以及有无孔洞缺陷等因素对工件温升的影响规律。试验表明:红外热成像技术可以非接触、实时监测炸药件加工过程的温度场分布并分析温度变化规律,为弹药加工安全性提供了参考。


      Abstract: Infrared thermography is a non-destructive testing technology that can be applied to determine the superficial temperature of objects. In this article, the machining process of mock explosive part is online monitored and the influence rules of temperature rise are obtained including the cutting velocity, cutting depth and void defect. The results indicate that infrared thermography can be used to monitor the temperature distribution of explosive parts during machining process and the change rule of temperature can be analyzed for the reference of safety of ammunition machining.


