Signals and Image Characterization of Titanium Thick Welds Based on Ultrasonic Phased Array
摘要: 使用超声相控阵技术检测了钛合金厚板焊缝中的典型缺陷,分析各种典型缺陷的扫描图像特征,总结相控阵技术对缺陷的定性方法,并与常规超声检测方法进行比较。结果表明,结合A扫描和S扫描,相控阵检测方法能够有效对厚板焊缝缺陷进行识别、定位和定量。检测灵敏度和检测效率较A扫描得到大大提高。Abstract: Ultrasonic phased array(PA) technology was used to detect defects in titanium welds. The scanning images of some typical defects were analyzed. The results showed that by the combination of A scan signals and S scan images, the PA could detect the defects effectively in discriminating, sizing and locating. The inspection sensitivity and efficiency were superior to those of A scan.