

    Eddy Current Inspection of the Thick-Wall Ligament on TNPS

    • 摘要: 就卧式蒸汽发生器联系带涡流检查的标定试块、旋转探头和检查参数的选择,联系带裂纹、磁区信号、凹陷及其复合信号等特征作了描述,并对磁饱和探头的作用,显示的分类、定性、定位和定量等信号分析技术及需要进一步解决的技术难题作了总结。


      Abstract: It was explained how to choose the calibration standard, motor-driven rotating probe and inspection parameter for horizontal steam generator. The characters of the crack on the ligament, magnetism sign, denting sign and their complex signs were described, then the function of the magnetism saturation probe, sign classification, quality, orientation and quantitative analysis technique, and some technical problems which are needed to deal with in the future were introduced and summarized.


