

    Development of On-Line Measuring Device of Magnetic Particle Content

    • 摘要: 提出了一种在线测量磁粉探伤磁悬液浓度的方法,研制出实用的测量装置。对测量原理进行了验证分析,详细介绍了线圈传感器设计及测量电桥和硬件电路的组成,给出了系统软件主程序流程图。该装置可以快速测量出磁悬液的浓度,为现场在线测量磁悬液浓度提供了一种很好的解决方案。


      Abstract: A method of measuring magnetic particle content on-line was introduced, and the practical measuring device was developed. The measuring principle was verified and analyzed, then the designs of coil sensor, electric bridge and measuring circuit were introduced in detail, and the flow diagram of main program was given. The developed device could be used to measure particle content quickly, and it provided a solution of on-line particle content measurement for magnetic particle inspection machine.


