

    Penetrant Test for ITER PF Butt Welds

    • 摘要: ITER(国际热核实验反应堆)超导导体(PF)是托卡马克装置中的极向场线圈, 在整个装置的运行中起到重大的作用。为了确保其使用的安全性, 需要对PF铠甲对接焊缝进行无损检测, 而渗透检测是必不可少的检测技术之一。阐述了ITER PF铠甲对接焊缝液体渗透检测过程, 采用溶剂去除型液体渗透检测方法, 可以有效的检测出焊缝表面存在的开口缺陷, 同时对缺陷的形式、产生部位、性质、大小及可能产生的原因进行分析。


      Abstract: ITER PF conductor is poloidal magnetic field in Tokamak, which is one of the most important parts in the whole device.As one of the numerous methods to ensure the safety, the dye penetrant test is essential.This paper expounds dye penetrant test process of the ITER PF butt welds.With the IIC-d method, the defects in the surface or near the surface can be effectively found. Furthermore, information on the defects such as shape, size, nature as well as the position will be analyzed. This will guarantee the product quality also improve on the defects the production efficiency.


