

    Nondestructive Testing of Industrial Flat Cable with the Technology of Terahertz Quasi-Near-Field Real-Time Imaging

    • 摘要: 利用亚毫米波准近场实时成像系统对三种常用的微小结构的工业电子排线进行检测, 直接获得了样品在信号峰值处的强度图像。分别对样品中的金属、缺陷及包覆材料连接处抽取数据, 并对其进行频谱及相位处理, 在时域、频域及相位图中做了对比与分析。通过对原始图像进行图像处理后, 分别得到振幅和相位图像, 其中相位图像能更清晰地反映排线中隐藏的缺陷。结果证明, 亚毫米波准近场成像系统可以用于具有细微结构材料的无损检测。


      Abstract: A terahertz (THz) quasi-near-field real-time imaging system was presented, with which three industrial flat cables with minute structures were nondestructively tested. In the obtained image at the peak of signal, data from metal, defect, and cladding material were extracted and Fourier transformed, and then comparisons and analyses had been performed in the time domain, frequency domain and phase domain. Furthermore, images for amplitude and phase were obtained by processing the original images, and it showed that the phase images reflect the defects more obviously than others. Testing results showed that THz quasi-near-field real-time imaging could be widely applied in quality monitoring and inspection of materials with minute structures.


