

    The Application and Progress of Nondestructive Testing Technique and System for the Rail In-service

    • 摘要: 我国高速铁路在大规模快速发展中存在诸多安全问题,其中最为重要的是钢轨质量的在役检测问题,而钢轨在役探伤是保障铁路安全的关键技术。笔者回顾总结国内外近年来对钢轨探伤使用的无损检测方法与检测系统的应用情况,对未来钢轨无损检测领域的发展方向做了简要的分析与讨论。


      Abstract: Nondestructive testing(NDT) of the rail in service is one of the most important tasks about the security in the rapid development of hi-speed rail in China. NDT is the key technique used to guarantee the safety of rails in service. The present paper comprehensively reviews the NDT methods and systems in use around the world for rail flaws inspection. It introduces a review of the current state-of-the-art in NDE of railways coupled with a discussion of future developments and new detection approach in the field.


