

    Design of Metal Pipe Microwave Nondestructive Testing Method Based on the Electromagnetic Guided Waves Theory

    • 摘要: 提出了将电磁导波原理应用于微波无损检测。建立金属管中微波信号传输的谐振模式, 并分析了接收端微波谐振结果, 从而引入在长管中壁厚减薄量测定的无损评价方法。实测管壁厚度减薄在3%~80%范围内。在试验中使用了网络分析技术, 信号发生器产生从47.38~47.47 GHz的扫频信号。试验结果表明, 利用该无损评价方法可以达到质量评价比较高的精度。


      Abstract: Electromagnetic guided waves theory was applied in microwave nondestructive testing, which was advanced by this paper. By building up a resonance model for the microwave signals propagating in the pipe, and by analyzing the resonance results of the microwaves at the receiving port, we derived a nondestructive method that was able to determine the degree of the wall thinning in the pipe remotely. In this paper, wall thinning having values of 3% to 80% of pipe thickness were detected significantly. In the experiment, a microwave network analyzer was employed to generate microwave signals propagating in the pipe where the frequency was swept from 47.38 to 47.47 GHz. It indicated that high precision for quantitative evaluation could be achieved by using this nondestructive method.


