Application and Development of Phase Measuring Profilometry
摘要: 自20世纪80年代以来,随着激光技术和CCD图像传感器的不断发展和广泛应用,并结合计算机图像处理技术,相位测量轮廓术(PMP)得到了快速的发展。该技术以非接触、全场测量、高精度、高灵敏度及自动化等优点得到广泛应用。主要阐述了PMP在国内外的应用现状、存在的问题及发展趋势,并简单介绍了PMP的基本原理,对现有的测量方法进行分析和比较。Abstract: Since 1980s, Phase Measuring Profilometry was developed sharply, with the development and application of laser technology. The method was very popular with many advantages such as non-contact, full-field measurement, high accuracy and sensitivity, automation. The developing trend and application status of Phase Measuring Profilometry in the world were described. The principle of measuring method was introduced, and the existing methods were analyzed and compared.