

    Digital RadiographyⅥ: An Introduction to the Standards of Digital Radiography

    • 摘要: 国外目前已经制定了一系列数字射线检测技术标准, 可以分为导则性标准、方法性标准、器材性标准三类。简要介绍了ISO 17636-2:2013标准和EN 14784-2:2005标准的技术级别、一般要求和推荐技术规定。简要介绍了ASTM E2698-10标准的设备器材、检验图像质量、技术控制的具体要求、程序与质量保证要求规定。


      Abstract: In recent years, many standards for digital radiography have been formulated. These standards classified as tree types based on the specified contents, i.e. the guiding rule standard, the methodology standard, and the standard of radiographic equipment.The summarized introduction was also provided for classification of radiographic techniques, general requirements, recommended techniques for making digital radiographs specified in ISO 17636-2:2013 and EN 14784-2:2005. The summarized introduction was provided of requirements of equipment, procedural requirements, examination details and quality assurance specified in ASTM E2698-10.


