

    Testing Method Combing EMAT with Eddy Current

    • 摘要: 两栖装甲车工作环境恶劣, 车体尤其是底部容易破损。提出了一种电磁超声和涡流组合检测的快速方法, 利用电磁超声的激励信号在被测金属表面感应的涡流, 实现表面和近表面缺陷的涡流检测, 无须额外增加专门的涡流线圈及其激励电路。设计了组合检测系统和探头, 对带有表面缺陷和内部缺陷的装甲钢试块进行了检测试验。结果表明, 该方法可以实现装甲钢试块内部缺陷和表面裂纹的检测, 比单一的电磁超声检测或涡流检测能获取更全面的有用信号。


      Abstract: The bodywork, especially the bottom of amphibious armored vehicles was often destructed for its adverse working environment. A testing method which combined EMAT(Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer) with eddy current testing technology was proposed. The surface and sub-surface defects could be tested by eddy current testing method using the eddy current inducted by EMAT without adding the special exciting circuits and coils. A detection system and combination probe was designed. Experiments on the steel specimens of amphibious armored vehicles with surface defects and internal defects were carried out respectively. The results showed that both the surface and internal defects of the specimens could be detected with the method. More fully information could be got with the combination method than using single EMAT or eddy current testing.


