

    Recognition Method for Circular Defect of Weld XRay Digital Image

    • 摘要: 采用平滑操作,消除源图像噪声。通过直方图阈值处理,将数字图像二值化。利用梯度信息修正算法进行边缘检测,并用腐蚀和膨胀凸显气孔边缘特征信息,通过细化算法来抽取圆形缺陷图像的骨架。采用中心点标注统计圆形缺陷的数量并计算其平均尺寸。结果表明,基于Visual C++程序设计算法得到的圆形缺陷轮廓清晰,数量统计准确。


      Abstract: The smooth operation was used to reduce and eliminate the source image noise. The binary threshold digital image can be gotten by histogram threshold processing. The gradient information correction algorithm was firstly used for edge detection, and then the stomatal edge character information was highlighted by corrosion and expansion operating through detailed algorithm to extract circular defect images skeleton. The number of defects was statistically obtained by using circular center mark and the average size of defects was calculated. The results show that the circular defect contour based on Visual C++ programming algorithm is clear, and its statistics quantity is accurate.


