

    Lamb Wave Testing of TaW Alloy Plates

    • 摘要: 采用超声兰姆波检测方法, 和研制的1.25P15×20型38°入射角, 大晶片专用换能器, 对1.6 mm(厚)×80 mm(宽)的TaW合金板材实施了内部质量检测。试验表明, 该超声换能器不但可以稳定检出1.6 mm厚TaW 板材内 0.4 mm左右的缺陷, 而且孔径与兰姆波反射幅值呈现出良好的线性关系, 满足了生产中的质量控制要求。


      Abstract: Aiming to evaluate inner quality of TaW alloy plates about 1.6 mm(thickness)×80 mm(width), using the manufactured 1.25P15×20 38° type ultrasonic transducer, the testing experiment has been actualized by lamb wave method. Its frequency was 1.25 MHz, an angle of incidence was 38°, and the size of wafer was 15 mm×20 mm. The sensitivity test results indicated that not only the defect about  0.4 mm in plate could be finded using this transducer, but also between the hole diameter and lamb wave amptitude was shown linear relation. It fulfilled quality demand of production.


