

    The Realization of High-Precision Phased Transmission and Parallel Processing of Phased Echo in Phased Array Ultrasonic System

    • 摘要: 为了实现超声相控阵系统中换能器各阵元发射和接收相位的精确控制以及多路相控回波信号的实时处理, 提出了一种基于FPGA的高精度相控发射和相控信号并行处理的实现方式。分析结果表明, 拥有高速计数器以及丰富高速I/O引脚和DSP硬核资源的FPGA, 特别适合相控阵系统的实现; 采用FPGA中的高速计数器来实现高精度相控发射, 可获得高达2ns的延时精度, 采用FPGA中的高速I/O引脚以及DSP硬核资源, 可实现16路回波信号的全并行信号处理, 并且可以利用首先2 ns插值、然后10 ns延时补偿的方法来实现高精度相控接收。实测结果表明, 该实现方式可以较好地对钢管的缺陷进行实时和清晰的扫描成像。


      Abstract: A realization method of high-precision phased transmission and parallel processing of phased echo in ultrasonic phased array(UPA) system is developed, so the transmission and reception phase of elements in the array can be controlled accurately, and phased echoes can be processed in real time. The analysis result shows that FPGA with high-speed counters and ample high-speed I/O pins and DSP hard-cores is suitable to phased array ultrasonic system greatly; the high-precision phased transmission making use of high-speed counters in FPGA can achieve delay resolution of 2ns; the high-speed I/O pins and DSP hard-cores in FPGA is used to realize parallel signal processing, and the measure of doing interpolation in 2 ns firstly and doing 10 ns delay compensation secondly is used to achieve the high-precision phased reception. The test result shows this realization method can accomplish real-time and vivid image of defects in steel tube perfectly.Keywords:


