Review and Prospects of Ground Penetrating Radar Technology
摘要: 百余年来,探地雷达在技术上逐步成熟,在地下探测领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。主要介绍国外在探地雷达的设备研制、数据处理和具体应用等方面的发展历程及研究动向,也简要介绍了探地雷达在我国的发展情况。Abstract: The past 100 years has witnessed the utility of ground penetrating radar (GPR) to solve a variety of problems in subsurface characterization and there is an overall sense of the technology reaching a level of maturity. The brief history of GPR is reviewed, including its hardware system, data processing techniques and various practical applications, both the value and the limitations of the nondestructive testing method are analyzed and its current trends of progress was discussed.