The Standardization for Time of Flight Diffraction Technique
摘要: 超声衍射时差技术是近年国际上被广泛认可的超声检测新工艺, 具有自动化、检测速度快以及结果显示直观等特点。目前由于国内缺乏仪器设备的优势和标准规范的支持, 在该领域已形成一定的技术壁垒, 并对国内企业的技术研发和产业化构成了一定冲击。但是挑战与机遇并存, 这同时也为我国自主创新并实施产业化战略提供了良机。Abstract: Time of flight diffraction is a new advanced technology of ultrasonic testing. It is accepted for the advantages of automatic and high speed scanning with intuitive display. Now due to the fact that there is a lack of strong support of the relative criterion and kernel technique of equipment, so technical barriers might appear with the deep influence to the schedule of research and industrialization of our country. But it is just the good opportunity to establish our independent technique and realize the strategy of industrialization.