

    Barkhausen Testing of 300 M Steel Thermal Damage

    • 摘要: 利用激光瞬间加热的方法对300M钢表面进行激光烧伤,用来模拟机械加工过程中的磨削烧伤。通过调节激光功率大小获得不同烧伤程度的表面,并利用巴克豪森效应的方法进行检测,获得巴克豪森信号与烧伤程度之间的关系;与酸浸蚀方法对烧伤斑的检测进行验证对比。试验表明300M钢热损伤巴克豪森检测结果较酸浸蚀法更准确,灵敏度更高。


      Abstract: In this paper the 300M steel surface is burned by quickly laser heating method to simulate the grind burn in the process of machining. Various degree of surface burn was got by adjusting different laser power, and the relation was acquired between the signal and the burn degree using the method of Barkhausen Noise method. The burn area is tested and analyzed by acid testing method.The testing result of burn indicates that Barkhausen testing method is more exact and more sensitive than acid testing method about 300M steel.


