Ultrasonic Testing for Zirconium Alloy Bars Applied in CANDU6 Reactor
摘要: 鉴于CANDU6重水堆用锆合金棒材严格的质量要求,对其超声波检测要求进行了技术分析,确定了检测方法。利用ROTA25超声波检测设备,合理选择检验工艺参数,满足了检测要求,实现了对CANDU6重水堆用锆合金棒材高速自动检测,保证了产品质量。Abstract: The specification of ultrasonic testing for zirconium bars applied in CANDU6 was technically analyzed. The testing method was defined. Testing specificatios were reached by making reasonable choise of testing parameters on the Rota 25 equipment. The high speed and automatic test for the zirconium bars was realized.