Ultrasonic Testing Waveform Analysis of SA-335P92 Steel Welds in Set Box Cover
摘要: 对某电厂百万超超临界火电机组中的分隔屏出口集箱端盖在现场超声波检测时所产生的反射波进行了详细的分析,从而推断出了端盖的缺陷形状和产生原理,为今后端盖生产过程中的质量控制提供了借鉴和参考。Abstract: The paper undertook a detailed analysis and research for the field of ultrasonic inspection of the reflected waves in the outlet header Platen cover of the millionskilo-watt of ultra supercritical thermal power generating units. Deducing the defect shape of the cover and the principle of the defect were produced was useful for future quality control of cover producing process.