

    The Analysis of Special Magnetic Particle Accumulations over the 440C Materials Surface

    • 摘要: 采用荧光渗透检测、金相检查及能谱分析,对440C材料在磁粉检测中发现的特殊纵向磁痕及形成原因进行分析。结果表明,该磁痕是一种非相关显示,是由于材料中共晶碳化物严重带状偏析,碳化物与基体的磁导率存在差异引起磁感应线发生畸变,从而吸附磁粉形成的。


      Abstract: Reasons of the formation of special longitudinal particle accumulations on the 440C materials discovered in MPI were investigated with fluorescent penetration test,metallographic examination and EDS analysis. The results showed that the particle accumulations were non-relevant indications, which were formed by absorbing magnetic particle because of the permeability difference of the carbide and matrix changed abnormally magnetic induction lines by the cause of the serious band segregation of the eutectic carbide in the materials.


