

    Development of Eddy Current Testing System for Bore Surface Defects of Wheel Cylinder

    • 摘要: 刹车分泵是汽车的重要安全件。为控制刹车分泵内孔表面质量, 提出采用涡流旋转探头检测方法, 研制出一套半自动涡流旋转探头分泵内孔表面缺陷探伤设备。详细论述了涡流探头、机械传动和仪器控制等设备组成。实践应用表明, 设计的探伤设备能够检出内表面 0.5 mm孔状缺陷, 信噪比>8 dB, 检测速度为4只/min, 满足刹车分泵质量检测要求。同时该套检测装置还可应用于其它汽车零部件表面缺陷的检测。


      Abstract: The wheel cylinder is the important security part in a car. For quality control of bore surface of wheel cylinder, the method of eddy current testing with revolving probe was proposed. The paper designed a semiautomatic eddy current testing system with revolving probe for bore surface defects of wheel cylinder. The paper described the eddy current probe, mechanical transmission and control device. The practical application in DELPHI indicated that the system could detect a 0.5 mm hole of bore surface. Signal noise ratio was higher than 8 dB. Testing speed was four per minute. The result indicated that system could meet the demand of quality testing of wheel cylinder. The system could be used for testing surface detects of other parts in the car also.


