

    Comprehensive Inspection and Evaluation Technique for Atmospheric Storage Tanks

    • 摘要: 我国在常压储罐方面的检测技术水平与发达国家的差距很大。经验表明, 储罐底板下表面的严重腐蚀是造成罐底板强度下降甚至穿孔泄漏的主要原因。系统分析了无损检测技术在常压储罐中的发展现状, 声发射检测技术作为一种在线普查检测, 可大大减少事故发生概率, 漏磁检测技术具有全厚度检测的能力, 可提高检测率。并对使用中存在的问题进行探讨, 提出了一套包括超声检测在内的储罐综合检测与评价的流程。


      Abstract: In china, atmospheric storage tanks are not included in the management of special equipment, and therefore they are not required to be inspected compulsorily. There is large difference between China and developed countries on atmospheric storage tank inspection technology as compared with the other technologies on the inspection of pressure vessels. It is widely believed that the strength worsening and perforation of the tank is mainly caused by the serious corrosion at the bottom surface of tank floor. The present development of nondestructive examination on atmospheric storage tank was analyzed systematically in this paper, in which the principle, the usage of inspection equipments and the application of the acoustic emission testing technology and magnetic flux leakage testing in atmospheric storage tanks were mainly introduced. The problems existing in the inspection equipments usage were discussed. A practice for inspecting and evaluating atmosphere storage tanks using these testing methods was proposed.


