

    Discussion and Analysis of the Practices of Non-destructive Testing Qualification for Sanmen AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant

    • 摘要: 在役检查无损检验技术能力验证是对相应的无损检验技术在实际的检验条件下具备的性能进行确认。AP1000机组将在役检查项目分为特殊验证项目、综合验证项目、常规验证项目和不需验证项目四类。三门核电AP1000机组无损检验技术能力验证实践表明,我国自主实施的能力验证方法适用性较强。


      Abstract: In-service inspection for non-destructive examination(NDE) testing qualification is to demonstrate the performance of the NDE technologies used in In-service inspection being under the realistic situations. The testing qualification items of Sanmen AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant are categorized as special qualification items, synthetic qualification items, general qualification items and non-qualification items. The experiences of sanmen AP1000 nuclear power plant NDE testing qualification practices demonstrate that the domestic NDE testing qualification methods used in china are highly applicable.


