

    Green NonDestructive Testing: The Future of NDT Techniques

    • 摘要: 无损检测(NDT)技术因其带有强烈的工程应用背景而必须融入国家的总体经济发展目标,必须为解决国家急需解决的大型工程项目和涉及安全、民生的重大项目服务。为实现可持续发展,节能减排和绿色制造已成为基本国策。依附于机械制造业的无损检测技术必须要跟上这一总体发展形势。在此情况下,提倡绿色无损检测、促进绿色无损检测技术的发展就成了一件十分有意义并可能是势在必行的事情。论文叙述了绿色NDT的一些基本概念和内涵,说明了面对新的形势,无损检测技术本身的发展应当如何跟上时代步伐,如何通过整合和创新使绿色NDT技术得到快速发展。论文还就我国无损检测技术未来发展的一些其它问题进行了探讨。论文最后部分以空军现役飞机为例,说明利用无损检测技术可大大提高飞机机群的使用寿命,在保证飞机飞行可靠性的同时,有效延长了飞机机群的寿命,提高了部队的综合作战能力。


      Abstract: The NDT is an industrial and engineering application-oriented scientific field, and hence it must be involved in combining itself closely with the affairs of national economy development and must serve for the large engineering projects and maintain their safety and integrity. In order to realize sustainable development of economy, the energysaving and green manufactures have become the basic policy of national economy development. Under this background, it is of significance and very high interest to promote green NDT techniques. The paper detailed the basic concepts of green NDT and compared existing NDT methods from the point of view of green aspects, and aimed to draw some conclusions for the future development of various NDT means. The paper also discussed the future development trend of NDT techniques, and its final part was, by taking the authors own working experience in AE monitoring of fatigue cracks as an example, to showed the significant role played by NDT technique.


