Ultrasonic Testing for High Pressure Heater Transfer Tube Weld in Expanding Area
摘要: 某设备制造厂在进行某核电厂高压加热器完工后的气密性试验及水压试验过程中,发现个别管板胀接区域传热管存在泄漏现象。经相关试验及分析确定,所采用的TP439传热管具有缺口敏感特性,焊缝中个别未超标缺陷在胀接压力下扩大,从而导致泄漏。笔者介绍了针对此种传热管胀管区域焊缝的超声检测技术。Abstract: An equipment manufacturer found some leakage in the transfer tube expanding area during the process of air tightness and hydrostatic tests for one High Pressure Heaters, it proved that the tube material TP439 was susceptive of notch, and some tiny flaws in weld expand under the pressure of expanding, and resulting in leakage. This article focuses on the ultrasonic testing technology for transfer tube weld in expanding area.