Phased Array Ultrasonic C-Scan Imaging Testing of the Composite Materials
摘要: 为了实现复合材料的大面积快速C扫描检测以及特殊位置的双轴定位C扫描检测,结合相控阵超声C扫描成像检测技术,开发了滚轮探头单轴C扫描检测系统用于复合材料大面积快速扫查,双轴拉线编码器定位C扫描检测系统用于特定位置的双轴定位C扫描检测.试验结果表明,滚轮探头C扫描检测系统耦合效果好,扫查速度快,特别适合航空航天领域复合材料的快速C扫描检测;双轴拉线编码器定位C扫描检测系统对特定区域进行C扫描检测,具有扫查定位准确,探头移动灵活,重复覆盖性好,对缺陷精确定量的优点.Abstract: To realize the large area fast C scan and the special position C scan of the composite materials,phased array ultrasonic C scan imaging testing system based on the wheel probe and X-Y wire encoders is researched and developed.The experimental results show that the wheel probe C scan testing system,which coupling effect is good and scanning speed is fast,is especially suitable for fast C scan testing of composite materials in the field of aerospace;X-Y wire encoders C scan testing system for specific area,which has the accurate positioning and good repeat coverage,has the big advantage of defect quantification.