Studies on Wavelet De-noising of Shearography Image for Airplane Composites
摘要: 电子剪切散斑检测技术非常适宜复合材料的无损检测。散斑图像往往含有较大的噪声,如何对散斑图像进行降噪处理是一个非常重要的问题。小波变换是变分辨率的分析方法,用小波降噪技术处理散斑图像可以有效地降低噪声,同时能较好地保存图像细节。Abstract: The shearography inspection technology is extremely fitting for the nondestructive testing of composites. The testing image of shearography includes much speckle noise, so de-noising is a very important task. The wavelet transform method is multi-resolution analysis, it can reduce noise, and at the same time, can keep the details of the image. The wavelet de-noising technique was studied. Experimental results were satisfactory.