

    Noise Analysis During Ultrasonic Testing of Titanium Alloys

    • 摘要: 针对钛合金板和棒材超声波探伤时杂波水平较高的情况,从显微组织、工件表面粗糙度和探头频谱三方面进行了试验分析。结果表明,除显微组织对钛合金超声波探伤杂波水平产生影响外,工件表面粗糙度以及探头频谱对杂波水平也有较大的影响。


      Abstract: Aiming at analyzing the mechanism of high noisy level during ultrasonic testing of titanium plates and bars, three aspects of microstructure, surface roughness of workpiece and probe frequency were tested and analyzed. Results showed that in addition to the effect of microstructure on ultrasonic testing noise of the titanium alloys, the roughness of the workpiece and the probe frequency both had great influence on noisy level, as well.


