

    Metal Magnetic Memory Testing on CNG Gas Cylinders

    • 摘要: 使用金属磁记忆检测方法和超声方法对在役的七组公交车CNG高压储气瓶组进行了检测,并对比分析了两种方法的检测结果。结果表明,金属磁记忆方法检测到的可疑区域涵盖了超声检测到的缺陷区域,因此用磁记忆方法检测高压储气瓶,有较高的可靠性和高效性。


      Abstract: Metal magnetic memory technology (MMMT) is a new nondestructive testing method, which is an effective method to diagnose pressure vessels in early stage. MMMT can locate the stress concentration zones according to the status of magnetization exhibited by the object. MMMT and ultrasonic testing method were used to test seven groups of CNG high pressure gas cylinders and their results were analyzed and compared. The two methods all found the same danger areas. It indicated that MMMT is a new method with high reliability and efficiency to test high pressure gas cylinders.


