Corrosion Inspection in Drill Pipe by Phasedarray Ultrasonic Technique
摘要: 有效评估钻杆内壁腐蚀情况,对提高钻井生产安全,降低钻井成本至关重要。介绍了超声相控阵技术在钻杆内壁腐蚀检测中的应用,通过对对比试块与实际工件的试验,证明了该方法对钻杆内壁腐蚀检测具有足够的检测灵敏度、分辨力及较好的检测效果。Abstract: The effective evaluation of drill pipe internal corrosion plays an important role in improving drilling safety and minimizing drilling costs. This paper describes one of the methods for drill pipe internal corrosion inspection by phasedarray ultrasonic technique. Meanwhile, through the contrast test block and the actual work the method has been proven having sufficient sensitivity and resolution for the inner wall corrosion testing of drill pipe, and it can achieve better results.