

    Effect of Static Bias Magnetic Field on Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer for Ferromagnetic Materials

    • 摘要: 电磁超声换能器的信噪比低, 严重限制了电磁超声技术的进一步发展。为解决这一问题, 分析了影响电磁超声换能器信噪比的关键因素——静态偏置磁场。以麦克斯韦方程组和波动方程为理论基础, 建立了铁磁材料电磁超声换能器数值模拟方法并开发了相应的程序, 探究了静态偏置磁场强度对电磁超声换能器的影响。结果表明: 随着静态偏置磁场强度的增大, 磁致伸缩体力逐渐减小, 而洛伦兹力一直增加; 永磁体厚度的增大, 使回波信号幅值逐渐减弱, 但趋于稳定。


      Abstract: The relative low signal to noise ratio (SNR) of Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) limits its further application. To improve the SNR of EMAT, the effect of the static bias magnetic field has been studied in this paper. At first, an algorithm and numerical code for simulation EMAT signals of a ferromagnetic material have been developed based on the Maxwell-equations and the wave equation of continuum material. The effect of static bias magnetic field intensity on EMAT has been studied then based on the developed code. The numerical results show that the magnetostrictive force decreases with the increasing magnetic field intensity, while the Lorentz force gets bigger all the time. In addition, it is also found that the sensitivity of EMAT is affected by the thickness of permanent magnet, e.g., with the increment of thickness, the amplitude of first bottom surface echo signal decreases but the gradient gradually becomes smaller.


