Ultrasonic Testing for Butt Weld of Electric Penetration
摘要: 讨论了核工业中电气贯穿件的超声波检测方法,制作了带自然缺陷的模拟试件,采用不同晶片尺寸和不同角度的探头对模拟试件进行探测,获得了不同缺陷的响应情况,为探头的选择提供了依据。对常见的根部缺陷回波特征进行归纳,得出根部回波识别方法,对实际检测有一定的参考意义。Abstract: Ultrasonic testing for butt weld of nuclear industry electric penetration was discussed,and some specimens with natural defects were made.According to reference block, specimens were tested by probes which were of different chip sizes and different refraction angles, echoes of different defects were obtained. Through analyzing echoes of surplus height of seam roots, effective methods of root echo recognition were foud out, which provided reference in practice.