

    Design of Portable Ultrasonic Testing Device Based on ARM

    • 摘要: 为了提高超声检测的效率和可靠性,研制了基于ARM的超声波数字化检测仪。检测仪利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)强大的逻辑处理,通用串行总线(USB)接口与PC机相连构成主机/从机系统,实现了超声检测的信号发射/接收、采集处理、存储显示和传输。试验表明,检测仪增益达120 dB,最小调节步长1 dB,探测灵敏度余量>60 dB,动态范围为29~31 dB,具有数据传输快、精度高、性能稳定、便于携带和具备热插拔性的优点。


      Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency and reliability of the ultrasonic testing, a type of ultrasonic testing instrument of high ratio of performance to cost was developed successfully. With the help of Embedded Computer and taking full use of the traditional ultrasonic testing device, USB, electronic technology and digital signal processing, the system realized data collection, save, display, analysis and processing. It showed the advantage of small, low-cost, plug and play, stability, high rate, efficiency and reliability. A very good foundation for the developing of imaging,intelligent and automation of ultrasonic testing was established by this device.


