Development of Palmtop Digital Electrical Conductivity Meter
摘要: 介绍了掌上型数字显示涡流导电仪的基本实现原理,通过数值计算,提出用相位分析法来抑制提离效应。在此原理的基础上,设计了基于AT91RM9200处理器的涡流电导率测量系统。并给出了该系统的软、硬件设计方法。Abstract: The basic development principle of palmtop digital electrical conductivity meter was introduced. Through numerical computation, a method that using phase analytical method to correct lift-off effect in the impedance plane was put forward. Based on the principle, the meter system was designed by using high performance microprocessor AT91RM9200. And the design method of hardware and software were explained.