

    Online testing of cracking defects in the hydrogen adsorption tower

    • 摘要: 对制氢吸附塔外表面开裂进行在线检测时,因介质易燃易爆而不宜大面积动火打磨除漆,常规无损检测方法难以实施,而阵列涡流检测受漆层厚度影响易漏检微小开裂。针对此难题,研究了漆层厚度提离效应对阵列涡流检测精度的影响,以及微小裂纹在三点弯曲载荷下的声发射信号特征;对吸附塔漆层下裂纹开展阵列涡流在线检测,并制定声发射检测工艺作为补充手段。现场应用中,某吸附塔经阵列涡流检测发现多处开裂,消除缺陷后经声发射检测无异常,运行五年未再泄漏。结果表明,提出的组合检测方案保障了制氢装置的安全平稳运行,为吸附塔外表面疲劳开裂在线不打磨检测提供了参考和借鉴。


      Abstract: Online detection is carried out for the cracks on the outer surface of the hydrogen production adsorption tower. Since the medium is flammable and explosive, it is not advisable to perform large-area hot work for paint removal by grinding. Conventional nondestructive testing methods are difficult to implement, and array eddy current testing is prone to miss detecting tiny cracks due to the influence of the paint layer thickness. Aiming at this problem, this paper studied the influence of the lift-off effect of the paint layer thickness on the accuracy of array eddy current testing and the characteristics of acoustic emission signals of tiny cracks under three-point bending loads. Online array eddy current testing was carried out for the cracks under the paint layer of the adsorption tower, and the acoustic emission testing process was formulated as a supplementary means. In the on-site application, multiple cracks were detected by array eddy current testing on a certain adsorption tower. After the defects were eliminated, no abnormality was found by acoustic emission testing, and there was no leakage again during the five years of operation. The combined testing scheme proposed in this paper ensured the safe and stable operation of the hydrogen production unit and provided references for online non-grinding detection of fatigue cracks.


