

    Identification of the transition zone in hybrid disk based on ultrasonic testing

    • 摘要: 针对具有复杂晶粒尺寸分布的航空发动机盘件难以进行过渡区尺寸评价的问题,提出了利用超声检测技术评价其过渡区边界的方法。首先通过超声C扫描检测航空发动机双组织盘件;然后通过均值滤波对C扫描结果进行预处理;最后利用提出的边界识别算法提取C扫描结果中的过渡区边界,进而实现双组织盘件过渡区边界尺寸和位置的定量评价。试验结果表明,采用所提出的边界识别方法提高了双组织盘件过渡区边界评价的准确率和效率。


      Abstract: In response to the difficulty in evaluating the transition zone size of aeroengine disk with complex grain size distributions, this paper proposed a method of using ultrasonic testing to evaluate their transition zone boundaries. Firstly, ultrasonic C-scan was used to detect the hybrid disk of aeroengine; Then the C-scan results was preprocessed through mean filtering; Finally, the boundary recognition algorithm proposed in this paper was used to extract the boundary of the transition zone from the C-scan results, thereby achieving quantitative evaluation of the size and position of the boundary of the transition zone in the hybrid disk. The results showed that the proposed boundary recognition method improved the accuracy and efficiency of boundary evaluation in the transition zone of hybrid disk.


