The application of phased array phase coherence imaging technology in the measurement and evaluation of grain size in thick-walled ductile iron castings
摘要: 摘要 球墨铸铁主轴是风力发电机组的重要部件,其具有壁厚大、材料牌号高的特点,装配后需承载巨大且复杂的载荷。为确保风机全生命周期的良好运行,主轴表面和内部除需满足常规无损检测方法的验收要求外,其材料的整体致密性、均匀性及关联的力学性能更需要经过测试与验证。基于实物标块验证和球铁铸造理论知识,采用相控阵超声PCI技术对球铁主轴进行全方位测试。经数据分析与结果比对后发现,该方法可以准确判定主轴冷铁的激冷层深度范围,初步评价厚壁球铁件的粗晶情况。Abstract: Abstract Ductile iron casting (DCI) main shaft is a key component of wind turbine, it has thicker wall and higher material designation, which have to bear enormous and complex load after assembly. In order to ensure the well-running of wind turbines in the whole life cycle, the surface and internal quality shall not only meet the acceptance standards by normal nondestructive testing methods, but also the overall density and homogeneity of material as well as co-related mechanical properties shall to be tested and verified. Based on the physical standard test block verification and DCI casting theoretical knowledge, ultrasonic phased array PCI technology was adopted to fully inspect the DCI shaft. After data analysis and results comparison, this paper confirmed that this method could determine the depth of rapid cooling layer of chills used in shaft accurately and evaluated the coarse grain condition of thick-walled ductile iron castings preliminarily.