

    Construction and practice of training paths for nondestructive testing talents in school-enterprise collaborative education under the background of new engineering

    • 摘要: 随着智能制造产业升级步伐的加快,我国逐渐由质量大国迈向质量强国,对高素质无损检测技能人才的需求日益迫切。然而专业教师素养不高、教学资源和方式过时、实训条件不足等因素制约了无损检测人才培养质量。从校企协同共育角度出发,聚焦课程教学团队、课程体系、课堂教学改革及学生综合能力培养4个方面,构建全方位的校企协同共育无损检测人才培养路径。实践证明,试点班学生在课程考核、职业资格考试及用人单位评价等方面表现优异,理论知识和实践技能水平较高,学生综合素养高,可为高职院校高质量人才培养提供借鉴。


      Abstract: With the acceleration of intelligent manufacturing industry upgrading, China gradually moves from a quality power to a quality power, and the need for high-quality nondestructive testing technical skills becomes increasingly urgent. However, the low quality of professional teachers, outdated teaching resources and methods, insufficient training conditions and other factors restrict the quality of NDT personnel training. From the perspective of school-enterprise cooperative education, the paper built a comprehensive training path for school-enterprise cooperative nondestructive testing talents by focusing on four aspects: curriculum teaching team, curriculum system, classroom teaching reform and students' comprehensive ability training. Practice has proved that the students in the pilot class have excellent performance in course assessment, vocational qualification examination and employer evaluation, with high theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and high comprehensive literacy, which can provide reference for the training of high-quality talents in higher vocational colleges.


