Optimization algorithm of CT reconstruction image quality
摘要: 综述了CT成像算法的基本原理,基于计算机模拟试验的方法研究了Ramp滤波器和Shepp-Logan滤波器对成像质量的影响。鉴于Ramp滤波器高频增益过大,而Shepp-Logan滤波器又对高频增益抑制太大,致使边缘保持性指标过小,修正了Shepp-Logan滤波器,新修正的滤波器各方面评价指标都优于Shepp-Logan滤波器指标。此外,还研究了扫描投影数目与伪影产生的相关联情况。试验结果表明,对滤波后投影数据角积分公式的分析中,发现像素值是滤波后投影数据所在的笛卡尔坐标系中像素坐标(x,y)与原点(0,0)距离为直径的圆的线密度积分。Abstract: This paper provided an overview of the basic principles of CT imaging algorithms. Based on computer simulation experiments, it investigated the effects of Ramp and Shepp-Logan filters on imaging quality. Given that the Ramp filter had excessive high-frequency gain and the Shepp-Logan filter suppressed high-frequency gain too much, resulting in a small edge preservation index, this paper proposed a modification to the Shepp-Logan filter. The newly modified filter performed better than the Shepp-Logan filter in all aspects of evaluation criteria. Additionally, the paper explored the correlation between the number of scan projections and the generation of artifacts. In the analysis of the integral formula for angle integration of filtered projection data, it was found that the pixel value was the line integral along the diameter of a circle with the Cartesian coordinate system of the filtered projection data at pixel coordinates (x,y) and the origin point (0,0).