

    Industrial CT measurement method of the wave-shaped oil chamber position in piston

    • 摘要: 内冷油道是活塞内部起冷却作用的重要结构,其位置对活塞各个部位的工作温度有重要影响。使用传统圆环形油道位置的测量方法检测波浪形内冷油道时,存在线阵工业CT方法不适用的问题,为此研究了波浪形内冷油道位置的工业CT测量方法。该方法基于DR和线阵工业CT技术,通过合理设置扫描位置,确定最少的切片数量,实现了活塞波浪形内冷油道位置的测量。最后采用三坐标测量机对该方法进行验证,结果表明,其测量误差在5%以内,与其他方法相比,该方法检测成本更低,检测效率更高。


      Abstract: The oil chamber is an important structure for cooling inside the piston, and its position has an important impact on the working temperature of all parts of the piston. For the measurement of the wave-shaped oil chamber position, some difficulties may exist, such as that the linear array industrial CT is not applicable and the ultrasonic detection can not be performed. The industrial CT method for the position measurement of the wave-shaped oil chamber is studied. It is based on the DR and linear array industrial CT to set the setting of scanning position and determine the minimum number of sections. The method is verified, which shows that the measurement error is within 5%. The method has lower detection cost and higher detection efficiency.


