

    Image enhancement technology of long pulse infrared nondestructive testing

    • 摘要: 利用卤素灯作为热激励源研发出了一套经济、便携的红外无损检测系统,并提出了相应的图像处理方法,可实现缺陷和缺陷边缘的高清晰显示,以便于缺陷的判定和测量。利用该系统对典型复合材料和药柱包覆层中的缺陷进行了检测,获得了高信噪比的图像,可检测出直径为3~5 mm的脱黏缺陷。


      Abstract: In this study, a convenient and economical inspection system using common halogen lamps has been constructed. The corresponding image-processing scheme is developed to identify defects with sharp and clear edges under good contrast. This system has been applied to the localization of defects in composites and rubber coating layered solid propellants. Images with high signal to noise ratio have been acquired and debonding defects with an effective diameter as small as 3~5 mm are able to be detected at a shot.


